Weekly Newsletter Vol. 6 Hello Jaguars, Here is this week's Newsletter Vol.6.https://www.smore.com/qzxg0
Weekly Newsletter Vol. 5 Hello RCLA Families,Here is next week's newsletter.https://www.smore.com/tva5q
Weekly Newsletter Vol. 4 Hey RCLA Family, Here is our newsletter for this week.https://www.smore.com/6cx9h
Important Attendance Information Hello RCLA Families!To report an absence for your student please contact Leonor Contrereas our attendance clerk at 408-471-4680 Ext. 4010 or email at [email protected]Thank you all in advance!¡Hola familias de RCLA!Para informar una ausencia de su estudiante, por favor comuníquese con Leonor Contrereas, nuestra secretaria de asistencia.408-471-4680 Ext. 4010 o correo electrónico a [email protected]¡Gracias!ContactLeonor Contreras408-471-4680 ext. 4010[email protected]
Google Classroom Code Support Thank you for your patience during our first day of school! In response to some of our students not receiving Google Classroom invites, the steps have been provided to all students via email and are available here.
Student/Parent Newsletter - Vol.1 (2020-2021) Please mark your calendars. August 10th will be the 1st day of school. We will be starting at 8:30am. More information will follow regarding your schedule of classes so please check your emails!